
World Changers Update: Tim Minnick made the news!!!

Hello everyone! Sarah here with an update for you all from Bill and the crew up in Philly! Bill says that they are all having a blast up there! Bill is especially excited because he actually has kids from our group in his crew... last year he didn't - he was grouped with lots of kids from other churches. Tomorrow, I think R-Swift is going to meet up with the group. I know many of the kids are looking forward to that.

Want to send some of the kids or adults some encouraging words? Send an "e-couragram" by clicking here! (Thursday is the last day for this). You can also follow the week-specific World Changers Philadelphia blog here. It's my understanding that they will continue to add pictures and stories from the week.

Below is the Germantown, PENNSYLVANIA news doing a story on World Changers! Look for the "I [heart] N.O." shirt... it's TIM!!! They even zoom in on him in his mask. hehe How cool?!

Please continue to keep the kids and leaders in your prayers. Pray that the Lord would make them humble servants, and that HE would get ALL the glory. Also pray that the students would take opportunities to minister to the people in the communities where they are working.


~Sarah :)

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Pause the music at the bottom, then click play! Lecrae gives a shout-out to 412!