
VBS Set-up Help Needed!!!

Would any of you be willing to help out on Sunday after church with VBS setup? This is not youth sponsored, it's actually led by Katie Weigle and the other VBS leaders, but they need your help!!!

LUNCH IS PROVIDED!!! C'mon you guys... FREE FOOD!!! :) :) :)

The time you're needed is 12:15-2:30, and if you can stay later, let me know... because there are a few things that need to be done after 3, but not EVERYONE is needed for that.

Please note that only those of you REALLY want to help should do this. Servant hearts that can take direction are needed... not people who constantly need "rounding up." (Completely said in love... you all know I love you, right? hehe)

Comment to this post or email me if you are able to serve THIS Sunday from 12:15-2:30 (or later).

Thanks y'all!

♥ Sarah :)

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Pause the music at the bottom, then click play! Lecrae gives a shout-out to 412!