Get Connected

     FOCUS is our Sunday morning program. 10:45am-12:00pm. 
Our students gather for Praise and Worship, a message, and then we break into small groups based on grade and gender. We just opened up our new Youth Worship Room.

     BREAK-THRU is our Wednesday night program.  
6-6:30 Open Gym for basketball, youth rooms open downstairs, hang out time.
6:30-8 Announcements, games, and a message. The group is divided into middle and high school. Youth are encouraged to bring friends, hangout, listen to music and play video games. We discuss real issues the students face everyday and dive into God's word to see how we should respond

     One Sunday a month from 6-8:30pm. This is an opportunity for high school students to dig a little deeper into God's word. Currently we are going through the book of Philippians. We meet off campus at Kevin & Nancy Moore's home. If you are interested please check the calendar to see when the next meeting is and to get an address.

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Pause the music at the bottom, then click play! Lecrae gives a shout-out to 412!