
Da Main Course: AWESOME GOD

Awesome: expressing or inspiring awe.

How can you think about God and not be in awe? How can you spend time with Him and not be inspired?

Awesome is just one of many words that describe our God. There is no word that can perfectly define Him. It is different for everyone because God works in all of us in a unique way. That is just one thing that makes Him so AWESOME.

He is all knowing, all powerful, His love is unfailing, and His mercy never ends. He is Lord, Savior, the beginning and the end, and the one true God. His timing is perfect, He is never out of reach and everything that happens comes through Him.

For me it's the fact that so many times I have turned my back on Him and tried to walk away from His will for my life, and yet He continues to come after me and bring me back. He doesn't need me to complete His work, BUT HE WANTS ME. How incredible is that, the God of this universe wants me and YOU.

He walked me through losing my father when I was thirteen. He helped me thought my teenage years to stay out of trouble and to not rebel against my mom. He slammed the door to the college I chose and led me to Liberty, where he made the calling of my life clear, where I met the woman of my dreams, and where I learned what a true relationship with Him looks like. He continues to teach me how to be a good husband and father. All this to bring glory to Himself. How AWESOME is that.

Sometime we can focus on all the ways we fail as Christians and how hard this life is. We forget in all of that, we serve an AWESOME GOD.

So I invite you to share why God is Awesome to you so we all can rejoice in the blessing of our GOD. What has he brought you out of? How has he blessed your life?

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Pause the music at the bottom, then click play! Lecrae gives a shout-out to 412!