
Da Main Course: You Can Catch Me at The Brook

The average human can only go 3-5 days without water in ideal conditions. We understand the importance of consuming liquids to keep our physical body functioning. But why should we treat our spiritual body any different?

God opened my eyes this summer and showed me that I have been denying my spiritual body the spiritual water it needed. How can we even make it through 1 day without the living water of Christ. I had become comfortable with my relationship with God, but I wasn't moving forward... I wasn't thirsting after God the way I should.

Now God has restored the passion and desire to seek after Him everyday. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after God, for they will be satisfied." Matt 5:6

No longer am I content with just "being comfortable." That's not the life God has called me to. I should thirst after Him everyday, and I should desire to spend every moment with Him. God didn't call me to sit around and take up space. I am called to be a passionate believer and that passion should shine to everyone I come into contact with.

"Your face I need to constantly seek, I need more, never feel I'm reachin my peak, I need more, my soul thirsts for you O Lord, I need more, I need more, I'm thirstin after God. Find peace in Your mercy and grace, I need more, find shelter in no other place, I need more, my soul thirst for you O Lord, I need more, I need more, YOU CAN CATCH ME AT THE BROOK."
-Sho Baraka "Catch me at the brook"

I have a long race ahead of me, that's why you can catch me at the "Brook."
I'm thirsty and desire to be filled by "THE ONE TRUE KING." I want to drink up everything I can get. There is a passion burning inside of me, and it can't be put out.

So the one question I have for you is... WILL YOU JOIN ME?

-Pastor Bill


  1. This is very true Bill and a agree 100% but as a high school student we constantly surrounded with so many other things like homework, sports practice, work and many other things. By time then end of the day comes we are tired out from everything else that we dont really feel like reading our bibles or praying before we go to sleep. But what your saying in this is very true. i have noticed that if i read my bible or pray before i go to school or before i go to bed i have a better day then what i would have if i didnt read or pray so if your reading this and your in high school or middle school try to take that extra time for god even if your tired or dont feel like it. It may not be fun and most of the time its boring but i can promise you if you set aside that time for god you will get a far greater joy from life.

  2. Very Nice Bill! I like. Let's drink up!

  3. I strugle to make time just like every one els. I realize more and more each day that the lord makes time for me and he does so no matter the time, place or situation. So I need to step up to the plate.

  4. "Lord I want more of You
    Living water rain down on me
    Lord I need more of You
    Living breath of life come fill me up
    We are thirsty, oh Jesus
    We are thirsty for the more of You"

    I'm thirsty for God's living water, but I struggle to find the time to truly dig into His word. But, really, that's just an excuse. I am UNWILLING to do so. Some of you, like me, need to stop pushing God aside and start giving Him the time in your daily lives that He yearns for. On Sunday, Pastor Tim said to live daily, rather than looking at the whole scheme of things. So, if you trip up, don't think about it; our God is a forgiving God! Look at today and how you are going to live today.

  5. I agree with you completely, Bill! I discovered that when I have consistent, daily time in the Word, it becomes so natural that it's hard NOT to pray and read my Bible. I love doing devotions in the morning before I start school, because then my day goes SO much better than it normally would. Hasta el domingo!

  6. I have been a Christian for a long time and life never slows down. You always think one day it will and then you will have more time for God but it will never happen. Put God first and everything else will fall into place, i have tried to use the time excuse but God has showed me that when i make time for HIM, He make time for everything else. When i spend time with God everyday, my day is 100 times better than it would have been. It doesn't have to boring, you can make it fun. Thats the great thing about your time with God, it's your time. Listen to music, journal, sing to God, mix it up and make it something you look forward to. Thanks for all your comments and encouragement, lets keep fighting!!!


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Pause the music at the bottom, then click play! Lecrae gives a shout-out to 412!